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Writer's pictureRiyam Ojaimi

Alien Oceans: Diving Into Extraterrestrial Water Worlds

Imagine a planet covered entirely in water, where colossal waves stretch miles into the sky, and the ocean’s depths remain uncharted. This is not just science fiction—it’s the scene from the movie Interstellar, where the crew lands on Miller’s Planet, a world orbiting a supermassive black hole. The concept of a water-covered planet isn’t far-fetched; in fact, scientists believe such ocean worlds could exist in our universe, and they may hold the key to finding extraterrestrial life.

In our Solar System and beyond, these "alien oceans" are hypothesised to lie beneath the icy crusts of moons, within the atmospheres of distant exoplanets, or in the hidden depths of large asteroids. This exploration of extraterrestrial water worlds dives into the scientific reasoning behind their existence, the methods used to study them, and their potential to harbour life!

Why Water?

The Significance of Water in Astrobiology

Water is the cornerstone of life as we know it, often referred to as the "universal solvent" because of its ability to dissolve a wide variety of substances. On Earth, liquid water is essential for the complex chemistry of life, facilitating biochemical reactions, nutrient transport, and temperature regulation. Given its importance, the search for extraterrestrial life focuses heavily on finding environments where liquid water could exist.

But the mere presence of water isn’t enough - what matters is finding it in a liquid state, where it can sustain life. This requires a delicate balance of temperature and pressure, typically found in a star's "habitable zone," where planets or moons can maintain liquid water on their surfaces. However, recent discoveries have shown that liquid water might exist even beyond these traditional habitable zones, particularly on certain moons within our solar system.

Icy Moons

Europa and Enceladus

Two of the most promising candidates for alien oceans are Jupiter’s moon Europa and Saturn’s moon Enceladus. These moons have garnered significant scientific interest due to compelling evidence suggesting the presence of vast subsurface oceans beneath their icy exteriors.

Europa, one of the Galilean moons of Jupiter, is believed to harbour a global ocean beneath its frozen surface. Data from the Galileo spacecraft has revealed surface features such as chaotic terrain and linear fractures, which suggest the presence of a liquid layer beneath the ice. This ocean is thought to be kept in a liquid state by tidal heating - an internal heat generated by the gravitational interaction with Jupiter.

Europa's tidal heating illustrated by New Scientist
Europa's tidal heating illustrated by New Scientist

Enceladus rains water on Saturn from European Space Agency
Enceladus rains water on Saturn from European Space Agency

Enceladus, a small moon of Saturn, has shown even more direct evidence of an alien ocean. The Cassini spacecraft discovered plumes of water vapour and ice particles erupting from Enceladus’s south pole, indicating liquid water beneath the surface. These plumes, which also contain organic molecules, suggest that Enceladus’s ocean might have the right conditions to support microbial life. The heat required to maintain this ocean likely comes from tidal forces exerted by Saturn, creating a subsurface environment that could be habitable.

Exoplanetary Ocean Worlds

Beyond our Solar System, the search for ocean worlds extends to exoplanets—planets orbiting stars other than the Sun. Some of these exoplanets are located within their star’s habitable zone, where conditions might allow for liquid water to exist on their surfaces. Among these, certain exoplanets are thought to be "ocean worlds," completely covered by deep, global oceans, reminiscent of Miller’s Planet in Interstellar.

One notable example is Proxima Centauri b, an exoplanet orbiting the closest star to the Sun. Located within the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri, this planet might have the right conditions to support liquid water if its atmosphere provides sufficient greenhouse warming. However, Proxima Centauri b is subjected to intense stellar flares from its host star, which could strip away its atmosphere and complicate the stability of any surface water.

Another intriguing candidate is TRAPPIST-1e, one of the seven Earth-sized planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system. TRAPPIST-1e lies within the habitable zone of its ultra-cool dwarf star and might possess a global ocean, especially if it has a dense atmosphere to retain heat. The strong gravitational interactions within the TRAPPIST-1 system could also induce tidal heating, further supporting the potential for liquid water.

For exoplanets, detecting oceans is more challenging and relies heavily on indirect methods. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), with its advanced infrared capabilities, will play a crucial role in studying exoplanet atmospheres. By analyzing the light spectrum of these planets as they transit their stars, scientists can search for signs of water vapor and other molecules that might indicate the presence of liquid water.

Example of how JWST detects water of exoplanetary bodies
Example of how JWST detects water of exoplanetary bodies

For exoplanets, the search for biosignatures—chemical indicators of life—in their atmospheres is a key focus of astrobiology. The presence of certain gases can suggest biological activity, as life on Earth produces a variety of gases through metabolic processes. A combination of gases such as oxygen, methane, and water vapour could indicate a dynamic and potentially habitable environment!

However, interpreting these potential biosignatures requires careful analysis because distinguishing between biological and non-biological sources of gases is challenging. For example, planets with intense volcanic activity could release large amounts of methane and other gases without any biological involvement. Similarly, oxygen might accumulate in a planet's atmosphere if the planet lacks a mechanism for removing it, such as a surface or ocean that could react with the oxygen, or if the planet is subject to intense stellar radiation that breaks down water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen, with the lighter hydrogen escaping into space. To improve the accuracy of biosignature detection, scientists look for specific combinations of gases that are out of chemical equilibrium. On Earth, for example, the coexistence of oxygen and methane is unusual because these gases react with each other and would not coexist in the atmosphere for long without a continuous supply of both. Detecting a similar disequilibrium on an exoplanet could suggest active biological processes. Additionally, researchers are interested in detecting gases that are not commonly produced by non-biological processes, such as nitrous oxide or methyl chloride, which could provide stronger evidence for life if found in an exoplanet's atmosphere.

Isn't it all so exciting!?

So yes, the exploration of alien oceans represents one of the most exciting frontiers in astrobiology. From the icy moons of our Solar System to distant exoplanets, these hidden water worlds offer tantalising possibilities for the existence of life beyond Earth. As our technology advances and new missions are launched, the study of these extraterrestrial oceans may one day answer one of humanity’s oldest questions: are we alone in the universe...? That's a question for next week's little paradoxical blog post (hint hint Fermi's paradox) :))

Thank you for enjoying this blog post!

Yours truly, Riyam Ojaimi


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